The Talents tab displays the list of Talents that the Actor currently owns, while showing the number of times taken and the Tests value.


1. Talent Header - Header describing the talents.

  • - Left click on the A-Z sorting button to reorder the talents alphabetically.
  • - Left click on the + symbol to create a new, blank skill in that section

2. Talent Row - Lists the details of the Talent: Times taken, and the Tests property, if it exists.

  • - Left click on the name of the Talent to show the full description in a dropdown menu
  • or - If the Times Taken value is bold, that means it can be advanced (either provided from the career or forced from the $Talent Sheet$). left click to Advance the Talent and deduct appropriate experience, or right click to reverse the process.
  • Item Controls
    • - $Post$ the Talent to Chat
    • - Open the $Talent Sheet$
    • - Open the Dropdown for the Talent
    • - Delete the Talent

3. Untrained Talents - These are Talents that are available to purchase from your Career, but that the character doesn’t currently have.

  • - Left click to purchase the Talent, deducting Experience as appropriate
  • - Right click to open the Talent’s sheet

Combat Tab

The Combat Tab displays everything relevant to combat in a concise and useful way


1. Advantage - This field lets you see and edit your current Advantage

2. Melee Weapon Header - Lists the properties of the weapons used and provides easy to use combat buttons

  • - Commonly used rolls are accessed via a simple button click
    • Fist - Roll an Unarmed Attack
    • Arrow - Roll the Dodge Skill
    • Question Mark - Roll an Improvised Weapon Attack

3. Weapon List Row - Each equipped weapon shows up here as their own row.

  • - Left click on a weapon name to roll a Weapon Attack

4. Offhand Toggle - If you have more than one weapon equipped, you can designate one of them as an Offhand Weapon. To learn more about the specifics around dual wielding, see $Dual Wielding$

5. Weapon Group - This displays the Weapon Group of the weapon (such as Basic or Polearm).

  • - Displays details of the Weapon Group, if any specials rules exist for it

6. Weapon Damage - This shows the Damage rating of the weapon

  • - Right Click to cause Damage to the weapon, reducing its Damage by 1
  • - Left Click to to repair the weapon, increasing its Damage by 1 if the weapon took damage.

7. Weapon Reach - Shows the Reach of the weapon

  • - Shows a description of the Weapon’s reach, typically giving more details on how long the weapon is.

8. Miscellaneous Weapon Properties - Here general properties are displayed, such as whether the weapon is in the offhand, whether it’s a two-handed weapon, or whether the weapon is loaded.

  • - Left click on the Loaded property to manually load or unload the Weapon. See $Weapon Rolls$ for more information on weapon loading. Additionally, if the weapon has the Repeater Quality, this will instead be a numeric value. e.g. 4/4 Loaded. Left clicking in this case will add 1 to the loaded value
  • - Right Click to unload the weapon (or decrease loaded value by 1 if it is a repeater)

9. Weapon Qualities and Flaws - This shows what the weapon’s current Qualities and Flaws are. Note that this is a compiled list taking all factors into account, such as ammo and skill. Note that if a Quality is greyed and crossed out, that means this Actor doesn’t have the skill to use this weapon, meaning they lose all qualities of the weapon (but not from ammunition).

  • - Shows a textual description of the Quality or Flaw

10. Ammunition Selector - This selection allows you to change what ammo is being used by the weapon.

11. Weapon Range - For Ranged Weapons, instead of Reach, their numerical Range is shown (taking currently used ammo into account).

  • - Left click on the Range value to display a breakdown of the Range Bands and what modifiers are applied to each band.
    • - Left click on one of these range bands to roll an attack with that weapon preconfigured with that Range.


12. Hit Location Header - Shows the Hit Location as well as the current Damage Mitigation applied to that location. The Orange represents Armour, Blue represents Shield, and Green is the TB of the Actor.

  • - Right click on the Armour or Shield AP values to reduce by 1, representing damage to the item (from things such as Hack or Critical Deflection)
  • - Left click to repair/undo damage to that location

13. Individual Armour AP - Shows the AP value of each individual piece of armour worn

  • - Right click on the Armour or Shield AP values to reduce by 1, representing damage to the item (from things such as Hack or Critical Deflection)
  • - Left click to repair/undo damage to that location

14. Armour Qualities and Flaws - Lists the Qualities and Flaws of a specific piece of armour

  • - Shows a textual description of the Quality or Flaw

15. Mount Section - Shows the current mount, if one exists. If the Actor is not mounted, this area will be blank. You can add a mount by dragging and dropping an Actor into the mount section. Note that both Actors must be in the world, you cannot add a mount from the Compendium. See $Mounting$ for more details.

  • - Left click on the mount’s image to open the mount’s Actor Sheet

16. Mount Controls - Here you can easily change the status of your mount

  • - the x button removes the mount from the Actor
  • - The down arrow button dismounts the actor, meaning the mount is still tied to the Actor, but they are not considered mounted. Click again to remount.