This page assumes you have a basic understanding of the Foundry ecosystem, such as familiarity with the concept of Documents, Embedded Documents, Compendium Packs, etc.

Active Effects (“effects” from here-on), on a basic Foundry level, are Embedded Documents that modify properties on its parent (or grandparent) Actor. This happens in the middle of the Actor’s data preparation cycle, which is where all the math happens that calculates various values within the Actor. Data preparation happens upon loading the world or updating the Actor.

Foundry provides the basic implementation of this out of the box, but it is limited to what is described above, it can only modify data points on the Actor. In WFRP4e, this has a few applications, however, the system adds many advanced features to enable effects to perform much more powerful operations.

If you wish to continue with the basics, continue reading through the next sections, if not, skip to the @@SCRIPTS@@ section

Effect Application / Transfer

Before we talk about how an effect changes data, it’s vital to understand the idea of Effect Application (though will likely be renamed at some point to Effect Transfer, as Application is not referring to the UI, but the nature of applying the effect.)

What follows in this section is a paradigm I’ve created specifically for the Warhammer systems and may not be relevant or correct for others.

An important part of the effect system is considering when and how the effect applied and transferred. Consider a basic Talent that increases Strength, this effect simply runs on the owning Actor and increases its strength. But what if the effect was on a spell? A spell’s effect generally should not run on the owning Actor, it needs to go through casting the spell, and may not run on the owner at all, but instead transfer to an entirely different Actor. However, an important paradigm of this system is that all effects owned by the Actor directly are considered applied. Only effects owned by Items need to be configured in this way.

See the diagram below for a visual representation of how effects move around and when they are applied. When an effect moves from Actor A’s Item to Actor B (or vice versa), it always moves to be directly owned by the target, and again, when an effect is directly owned by an Actor, it is always considered applied and modifying that Actor.

Actor A

Type: Document
Document Type: Actor
Applies To
Type: Target
Document Type: Actor
Actor B

Type: Document
Document Type: Actor
Equip Transfer: true
Type: Damage
Document Type: Actor
Transfers to
Spell Cast
Effect Applied
Embedded Document
Event or Action
Weapon Rolled
Damage Applied

The following elements are added to the Active Effect Config to handle the problem described above. Note that these are only added when the Effect is owned by an Item. As discussed above, effects owned by an Actor have been transferred/applied already, so these fields aren’t relevant.


1. Effect Application

This is the primary decider on how this effect is applied, but also works in conjunction with Document Type (see below).

The options are as follows:

  1. Owning Document - Transfer this effect directly to the owning Document.
  2. Damage - This effect is transferred to another Actor via damage.
  3. Target - This effect is applied via targeting
  4. Area - This effect is applied via an Area Template, the template is placed on the canvas and the effect is given to tokens within the template.
  5. Aura - This effect is applied via an Area Template attached to an Actor. Auras are applied like Target effects but create an Area Template around them.
  6. Other - This effect is not applied at all (typically used with custom scripts to handle transferring in specific ways)

2. Document Type

The Document Type is used as a specifier with Effect Application. See the examples below.

The options are as follows:

  1. Actor
  2. Item

Using Effect Application and Document Type together is the main way of configuring how effects get transferred.

Effect Application Document Type Result
Owning Document Actor Transferred to the owning Actor, for example, Talents generally use this.
Owning Document Item Trnasferred to the Owning Item. This generally isn’t used.
Damage Actor Transferred when the Actor does damage (transferred to the Actor taking damage)
Damage Item Transferred when the Item does damage (transferred to the Actor taking damage)
Target Actor Transferred to the target Actor
Target Item Transferred to the target Item (which Item is determined by Filter below)
Area Actor Places an Area Template on the canvas, and is transferred to Actors within
Area Item Places an Area Template on the canvas, and is transferred to the Items owned by the Actors within
Aura Actor Places an Area Template on the canvas anchored to the owning Actor, and is transferred to Actors within that area
Aura Item N/A
Other Actor Not transferred
Other Item Not transferred

When an effect uses an Item type and is applied, it is still created on the Actor but usually has some data to tell the system internally to compute on a certain Item(s). This gives some distinct advantages as Foundry does not intend for effects owned by Items to be for the item, but for the Actor who owns it.

3. Avoid Test

When an Effect is transferred, this option can add a method to avoid (abort the creation of) this effect under certain conditions

The options are as follows:

  1. Custom - Define a custom Test that is performed
  2. Script - Write a custom script to determine if the effect is avoided or not (return true to avoid)

4. Test Independent

This is a very specific property used with Target, Area, and Aura types. These can generally only be applied via a Test, like a spell placing an Area. However, with this option checked, the effect can be applied directly from the Actor sheet. This is useful for Items that don’t perform tests, like Armour or Talents.

5. Pre-Apply Script

This is also used with Target, Area, and Aura types, and runs this script before applying the effect. If the script returns true, the effect is applied, if false, it is aborted. This can be used, for example, if the Actor needs to roll a test before applying an effect to another Actor.

6. Equip Transfer

Most often, trappings that have effects apply them specifically when worn or equipped. This uses Owning Document and Actor types, but this does not account for the Item being equipped, and thus always transfers the effect to the owning Actor regardless. This property adds an additional check, requiring the Item to be equipped for the effect to transfer.

7. Enable Script

This script can automate whether the effect is enabled or disabled, the script should return true or false respectively.

8. Filter

This script has some essential uses when used with various Effect Application and Document Types combos. If the script returns true it is considered “Filtered” and not applied.

Effect Application Document Type Result (if filtered)
Owning Document Actor N/A
Owning Document Item N/A
Damage Actor The effect is not created on the damaged Actor
Damage Item The effect is not created on the damaged Actor
Target Actor The effect is not created on the targeted Actor
Target Item The effect is created on the targeted Actor, but only runs on Items not filtered
Area Actor The effect is not applied to the Actor within the Area
Area Item The effect is created on the Actor within the Area, but only runs on Items not filtered
Aura Actor The effect is not applied to the Actor within the Aura
Aura Item The effect is created on the Actor within the Area, but only runs on Items not filtered
Other Actor N/A
Other Item N/A

9. Prompt

This is generally only used for Item Document Types, which lets the user select the Item to apply to. For example, if a spell modifies a weapon’s damage (using a Filter to only apply to weapons). If Prompt is false, it would apply to all weapons, if it’s true, a dialog to select which weapon(s) to apply to will be provided..


Active Effect Changes are what Foundry provides out of the box. An effect can have multiple changes, and each change has 3 properties, a Key, Mode, and Value

  • Key — Also could be described as a path, this is what property is being changed. Each Document has some data properties, and some properties also have properties, etc. So the key is a path to the value to change. For example, is the path to modify the Weapon Skill of an Actor.

  • Mode — What operation to perform, such as Add or Override. There are other options, but those two are the only one’s used in the system.

  • Value — The value to modify the property with

So, for example, if we wanted to subtract 10 from Fellowship, the Key would be system.characteristics.fel.modifier, the Mode would be Add, and the Value would be -10

It’s important to remember that Items are not data properties of an Actor and therefore changes cannot add a bonus or penalty to skills! This is a common thing users attempt to accomplish with Changes, but is simply not supported. If you wish to add a modifier to a skill via an effect, see the @@LINK@@ example in the @@SCRIPTS@@ section


Here is a list of useful keys used to modify Actors


Characteristic Key
Weapon Skill*
Ballistic Skill*
Strength system.characteristics.s.*
Toughness system.characteristics.t.*
Initiative system.characteristics.i.*
Dexterity system.characteristics.dex.*
Willpower system.characteristics.wp.*
Fellowship system.characteristics.fel.*

Where * could be a few options

initial - Modifies the initial characteristic value (used for Talents such as Savvy or Suave)

modifier - Modifies the characteristic total value

calculationBonusModifier - A mouthful, but a useful tool to offset characteristic modifiers and prevent changing derived values (see examples)


system.details.move.value - Modifies the base movement value


Add 10 to Weapon Skill Modifier

Key Mode Value Add 10

Decrease Movement by 1

Key Mode Value
system.details.move.value Add -1

Add 20 to Toughness Modifier

Key Mode Value
system.characteristics.t.modifier Add 20
system.characteristics.t.calculationBonusModifier* Add -2

*What is calculationBonusModifier?

This property is how the system handles temporary changes to characteristics that affect a derived property. For an example, Wounds is a derived property, it is calculated with Strength, Toughness, and Willpower. Now, whether an effect that changes Toughness should also change Wounds is dependent on the nature of the effect. In Cubicle 7’s FAQ, they inform us that temporary increases to characteristics (such as from Spells or Miracles) do not modify Wounds. That is what this property is for, it tells the system that when calculating, modify the bonus from this characteristic before using it in the formula. In this example’s case, we’re offsetting the +2 TB received from the +20 modifier with a -2.

However, this about the extent of support that Changes has with WFRP4e. Below, in the Scripts section, we talk about the much more powerful things effects can achieve.


While Application defines where or to whom the effect applies, Scripts are how Effects actually do anything. See the Scripts section for a deep dive on how to implement the mechanics behind effects.

Table of contents