Welcome to the WFRP4e Foundry System Wiki!

This wiki is an effort to bring documentation for the Foundry VTT WFRP4e System to a standard that provides an accessible starting point for those who are just starting with the system and those who want to learn and utilize the more advanced features.

What is Foundry?

Foundry VTT (or Foundry Virtual Tabletop) is a Virtual Tabletop, a computer application generally used to play tabletop roleplaying games online.

What is Warhammer?

Warhammer is a collection of Intellectual Property owned by Games Workshop. Cubicle 7 is a tabletop roleplaying game company that has sublicensed various Warhammer IPs to create roleplaying games. This wiki details how to play Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition (WFRP4e) within the Foundry Virtual Tabletop environment.

For details on the other Warhammer games available on the FoundryVTT platform, see here

Do I have to pay for this?

Yes and no, depending on what position you’re coming from. The one-time license cost for Foundry VTT is (generally) $50. This is the only required cost.

The WFRP4e System itself is free and once you have Foundry VTT up and running you can easily download it from the built-in installer, however, this system is functionality only. It does not come with any content or ready-to-play material.

Many Cubicle 7 books are available as Modules, which can be purchased and activated in Foundry to provide the same supplementary material in the physical books within Foundry VTT. This alleviates the need to manually enter all the enemies, NPCS, weapons, spells, talents, etc. into Foundry VTT yourself.

Who are you?

I am an independent developer contracted by Cubicle 7 to develop, support, and maintain the FoundryVTT implementations for their products.

Discord is the generally used tool for discussion and support for Foundry VTT.

  • FoundryVTT Discord - This is the official Foundry VTT Discord, where all things related to the software are discussed. There is a channel for discussion of Warhammer integrations - #warhammer
  • Moohammer Discord - This Discord server is owned by me for the purposes of more focused discussion on the systems and modules I create related to Warhammer.
  • Rat Catcher’s Guild Discord - This is a community run Discord channel that focuses on discussion of WFRP. It has a Foundry channel to discuss this system - #the-foundry-vtt