Wound calculation involves several different Actor values added and multiplied together. This trigger runs before calculation and lets you modify these values before Wounds are computed.




args.actor - Actor whose Wounds are being calculated

args.sb - Strength Bonus

args.tb - Strength Bonus

args.wpb - Strength Bonus

args.multiplier.sb - Strength Bonus Multiplier

args.multiplier.tb - Toughness Bonus Multiplier

args.multiplier.wpb - Willpower Bonus Multiplier


Add an additional Toughness Bonus

Usage: Part of Wound calculation is 2 × Toughness Bonus (Assuming Average size Actor). We can lower or increase how many times it’s multiplied.

args.multiplier.tb += 1

Set Willpower Bonus to be Strength Bonus

Usage: Some Creatures don’t have Willpower, so use Strength instead of Willpower

args.wpb = args.sb;

I just want to add or modify the final value, how do I do that?

See Wound Calculation