Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of questions new users might often raise as they explore the system


Something is wrong! What do I do?

This depends on what the problem is exactly! See Troubleshooting.

I bought this but I don’t see any content!

See the page on Buying, Registering, Installing, and Activating Premium Content

Character Creation

How can I include Gnomes or Ogres in character creation?

You need to tell the system what Table to use during character generation. This can be done via Configure Settings -> System Settings -> Table settings.

Why aren’t both Gnomes and Ogres showing up in Character Creation when I have both modules that add them? How can I get them both available?

Well, the simple answer is that no book/module has ever defined a table that has both Gnomes and Ogres on it, but you can always make your own or modify the existing one. Either duplicate or create a new Rollable Table (make sure it has the key of species, at the top of the table sheet), add the Species you want, and select the table to be used for Character Creation, as described above.

How can I create a new Species for Character Creation?

See Creating a new Species


None of my Talent bonuses show up in the roll dialog anymore!

It sounds like you are using old Talents from before the Effect Refactor. See the section on how to utilize the new effects


How can I print the WFRP character sheets for my players?

This module is built specifially for converting WFRP sheets to PDF. Whether or not it is currently updated and usable, I cannot confirm.