The Skills tab lists all the skills of the Actor. It is separated into two sections: Basic and Grouped & Advanced

The Basic section only contains basic skills that don’t have any specializations (specializations such as Stealth (Underground) or Melee (Basic))

The Grouped & Advanced section contains any skill that has a specialization (“grouped”, includes any basic skills that have specializations) as well as any Advanced skills (grouped or not). When creating a new character, the Grouped & Advanced list will start out with grouped Basic skills, without a group. These are placeholders for you to fill in.

Example: When creating a new character, by default they start out with Ride, Melee, Stealth, and Entertain and Art in their Grouped & Advanced Skill section. These are all Grouped skills but without a group, and shouldn’t be advanced until they are given a specialization. See $Skill Item Sheet$ for more on skill specializations.

Extended Tests

There’s two “modes” for the skills tab, Skills and Extended Tests. Extended Tests (image, right) lists all the currently Extended Tests the Actor is doing.


1. Skill Header - Header for each skill section, listing the column names.

  • - Left click on to create a new, blank skill in that section

2. Skill Row - Lists the details of the skill, including name, characteristic, characteristic value, advancement value, and total skill value.

  • - Left click on a skill name or total to $Roll a Skill$
  • - Left click on to delete the skill
  • - Right click on a skill name to open up the $Skill Item Sheet$

  • Advancement Indicators - Next to some skill names you may see a + or a . These are Advancement Indicators and mark the skill as available to advance (either derived from the career or marked specifically in the $Item Sheet$). Note that the means that the skill is sufficiently advanced to be considered complete in the Actor’s current Career.
    • - Left click on an Advancement Indicator to Advance the skill and spend the appropriate amount of Experience
    • - Right click on an Advancement Indicator to un-Advance the skill, refunding the appropriate amount of Experience

3. Extended Tests - Shows the number of Extended Tests active

  • - Left Click on the label or arrow to view the Extended Tests list

4. Untrained Skills - These are skills that are available to advance from your Career, but that the character doesn’t currently have.

  • - Left click to add the skill to the actor, making it available to use and advance
  • - Right click to open the skill’s sheet

5. Extended Tests Header - Header for the Extended Test list

  • - Left click to go back to the normal skill view
  • - Left click to add a blank Extended Test item

6. Extended Test Row - Lists details of a particular Extended Test, including name and current progress. See the $Extended Test Item Sheet$ for more on how to configure Extended Tests.

  • - Left click on the name of the Extended Test to $Roll an Extended Test$
  • or - Left/Right Click on the SL Counter of an Extended Test to Increment/Decrement (respectively) the SL.
  • Item Controls
    • - $Post$ the Extended Test to Chat
    • - Open the $Extended Test Sheet$
    • - Open the Dropdown for the Extended Test
    • - Delete the Extended Test