Do you have an immediate/time sensitive problem (e.g. you’re in the middle of a session and you need help)? Your best course of action is to join a Discord and ask the question there. The Bug Reporter or Email will not have a quick response time and are not very suitable for back-and-forth troubleshooting.

FoundryVTT Discord (recommended) - Describe your problem in the #warhammer channel for support.
Moohammer Discord - Describe your problem in the #wfrp channel for support.
Rat Catcher’s Guild Discord - Describe your problem in the #the-foundry-vtt channel for support.

Even so, there might simply not be anyone online that can help. You can also send a message to me directly on Discord (, and I will try to help if I am available.

Did you find a typo or some data error?

Fill out a Bug Report, selecting the Domain as whatever module has the error, and select Text or Data as the Label

Is some automated behavior not working right?

The first step in troubleshooting should ALWAYS be disabling all non-official modules. If the behavior persists and you are confident it’s not the correct behavior, fill out a Bug Report

If you’re not confident or unsure, you can always pop in one of the Discords (see above) to ask!

Frequently Encountered Problems

All of the Talent Bonuses have disappeared from the roll dialog, so I can’t select them to gain bonus SL.

This is a consequence of the Effect Refactor. You are likely using Talents that have Effects coded from before the Refactor. See the Effect Refactor

There’s an unremovable Fear icon on a Token

This is a status effect that comes from the “Fear” Extended Test. See Extended Tests. This Test must be removed or completed.

The Bug Reporter