The NPC sheet is intended for detailed NPCs in the game that would operate similar to player characters, except in a more condensed form. Generally, these would be used for named humanoid characters that have status and careers.

Special Functions

  • You can use careers to quickly generate an NPC. See the $Careers Tab$


1. Name - Name of the NPC. Note that this name is not generally displayed in chat or the canvas. The Token name is what should be used as the “public name”. (For more on configuring Tokens, see the FoundryVTT Knowledge Base)

2. Species - Species of the NPC. Changing the species on an NPC or Creature will search for the new species in the $Config$ object and if found, will prompt the user whether they want to apply the species characteristics to the Actor.

3. Gender - Gender of the NPC

4. Characteristics - Characteristics of the Actor. The numeric fields are editable to configure the NPC’s characteristics

  • - Left click on one of the headers to $Roll a Characteristic$

5. Movement - Shows the Movement value and the derived Walk/Run speeds of the NPC. The Movement field is editable.

  • - Right click the walk or run value to switch it to manual mode.

6. Wounds - Shows the Current / Maximum Wound value for the NPC. The Current field is editable. The Maximum field is (usually) equal to SB + 2 * TB + WPB. You can also enter a relative value in the Current field to calculate the total (e.g. enter -3 to subtract 3 wounds, or +5 to add 5)

  • - Right click the Maximum wounds to switch it to disable auto calculation and enter maximum wounds manually.

7. Randomization Buttons - These buttons allow the user to randomize aspects of the NPC.

  • C: Characteristics - If the species is recognized, it uses the randomization defined in $Config$, otherwise, simple adds -10 + 2d10
  • S: Skills - Adds skills given from the species (Requires the species be registered in $Config$)
  • T: Talents - Adds talents given from the species (Requires the species be registered in $Config$)

8. Tabs - Tabs of the character sheet.

9. Actor Configuration - Open the Actor Configuration menu. This menu lets you toggle various settings for the actor. See $Actor Configuration$