This trigger is the best place to add some static damage modifier. This script in particular runs when the owner of the script takes damage. See Compute Apply Damage Modifiers for modifying damage an actor does. This trigger is primarily for modifying the modifiers
object where you can add or remove reductions.
- The Actor taking damage
- The Actor doing damage
- The Opposed Test that was used to calculate damage
- Whether to ignore AP, TB, or both. This argument is obsolete and has already been derived into applyAP
and applyTB
- What properties (qualities and flaws) the weapon has. This can be modified to add properties to the calculation. (e.g. args.weaponProperties.qualities.damaging
or args.weaponProperties.flaws.unbalanced
- Whether to apply armour to reduce the incoming damage
- Whether to apply Toughness bonus to reduce the incoming damage
- This will eventually be the actual amount of wounds deducted from the Actor. At this point in the process, it is the raw damage value from the test.
- The data of the location taking damage. See Armour Calculation to see the object structure.
- Modifiers for armour, toughness, and damage.
- TB used for damage reduction args.modifiers.ap
- AP data used for damage reduction args.modifiers.ap.value
- Total AP at the location, args.modifiers.ap.ignored
- Amount of AP ignored based on computed context, args.modifiers.ap.metal
- How much AP being used is metal, this field is purely descriptive, not prescriptive. Changes to this field should also be reflected in ap.value
- How much AP being used is non-metal, this field is purely descriptive, not prescriptive. Changes to this field should also be reflected in ap.value
- How much AP being used is magical, this field is purely descriptive, not prescriptive. Changes to this field should also be reflected in ap.value
- How much AP being used is from a shield, args.modifiers.ap.details
- Array of objects used for tooltip. {label : string, value : number, details : string} args.modifiers.minimumOne
- Whether minimumOne was triggered (used for the tooltip) args.modifiers.other
- Array of modifiers used for any miscellaneous damage modifications. {label : string, value : number, details : string}
- Array of strings that can be added to for displaying in chat.
- Ward value of the Actor (If ward is some number, a roll is made and if that roll is greater or eual to the ward value, the damage is ignored)
- The Ward roll is determined at the beginning of damage application, but only checked if needed.
- Set this to a string value to abort the process (with the string being the message shown in chat)
Reduce Damage
Usage: Reduce all damage by some static amount.
args.modifiers.other.push({label :, details : "Damage Reduction", value : -3})
Add Magical AP against Ranged attacks
Usage: aoeu
if (args.opposedTest.attackerTest.item && args.opposedTest.attackerTest.item.isRanged)
args.modifiers.ap.value += 3;
args.modifiers.ap.magical += 3;
args.modifiers.ap.details.push(`${} (${AP})`)
Notes: As mentioned in the Arguments section. Adding +3 to the magical
field will do nothing on its own, only show up in the tooltip. To actually alter AP, value
must also be changed.